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A number of adhesives required in the building

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A number of adhesives required in the building

Powder tile adhesive

.Powder adhesive is a mixture of hydraulic adhesive, mineral aggregates and organic additives

This glue is used for gluing tiles, ceramics, natural and artificial stones on all floor surfaces

.And the wall is used in the internal and external environments of the building

.Attention : It is recommended to use paste glue on plaster surfaces and if necessary

At least two-thirds of the installation surface (paint or plaster) must be scratched and then installed

paste glue

This product is ready to use and does not need any other additives. This glue is for use on

Cement, plaster, mosaic, stone, ceramic and tile surfaces are suitable.

This product is used in indoor environments and for installing ceramic tiles on plaster walls and is not suitable for humid environments.

Ceramic glue

For sticking stone, tile, ceramic and porcelain on all surfaces

Can be used on surfaces with underfloor heating, balconies, patios, swimming pools, facades, plaster surfaces,

Plasters, plaster blocks, concrete, old stone work, tiles, ceramics and bricks are suitable.

Porcelain glue

This adhesive is used for gluing large-sized ceramics, porcelain, stone and slabs on the floor and wall of the door

Indoor and outdoor environments (building facade) are used. In addition, you can

Use this product on surfaces with a heating system, balconies, patios, swimming pools, plaster surfaces, plaster blocks, etc.

concrete glue

One of the most important additives in the concrete industry is concrete glue. Among the uses of concrete glue, concrete repair, sealing,

Repairing old concrete structures, increasing concrete strength, preventing concrete cracking, increasing chemical and mechanical properties, etc.

Concrete adhesive is a type of emulsion polymer resin that increases the bending and tensile strength and durability of concrete, plaster and lime.

But the most important property of concrete adhesive is to increase the adhesion of concrete. The physical state of concrete glue is liquid and the color of concrete glue is milky.

The specific weight of concrete adhesive varies, but it is usually 1 to 1.4 gr/cm³. Concrete glue is available in 1, 4 or 20 liter plastic containers in the market.

Concrete adhesives can be divided into two categories of concrete supplements, mortar resistance and resistance. All adhesives contain polymers

or they are obtained during a chemical reaction. Polymers make adhesives stick.

Applications of concrete glue:

  • Hairline cracks are covered with concrete glue.
  • For making old and restorative mortars or self-leveling concrete, for flooring and filling construction seams, and for making and repairing concrete surfaces.
  • To restore and repair the surface and deep damages of concrete structures that have been in dry conditions or are in contact with moisture.
  • In rebar to concrete connections
  • In cases where increasing mechanical resistance is considered.
  • Staining mortar is possible with concrete glue.
  • In cases where moisture resistance is required.

cement glue

Cement glue is one of the strongest glues available, which actually has a slight difference with concrete glues.

Cement glue is the most used in the construction of swimming pools and hydraulic structures, which is available with both electrical and polymer bases.

It is widely used to insulate cracked pools.

The weight percentage of the total cement prepared for pouring is one of the important things.

It also significantly reduces repair costs.

Two-part adhesive

Two-component powder tile adhesive is used with supplements, it is produced on the basis of mineral materials

By adding several types of glue and other chemicals, its applicability and stickiness have been multiplied.

Currently, the main use of this glue is in the repair and renovation of buildings

They install tiles and ceramics without the need for carving and removing the old sub-work.
But due to the change of construction methods in Iran and more use of prefabricated methods and ready-made walls that have a smoother work surface.

The use of these types of adhesives is getting more and more use day by day.
On the one hand, the ease of working with this glue and its reasonable price have reduced the operational costs and the duration of the work

And on the other hand, the high stickiness of this adhesive, while increasing the strength and durability, reduces the amount of mortar used and, as a result, reduces the load on the building.


1- Special for gluing tiles, ceramics, stone, etc. on smooth brick surfaces; Cement and a wall that is already tiled.
2- Installation of various types of tiles, ceramics, stone and mosaics on the floor and walls of buildings, installation of craft stone facades; Stone cornices are possible with this glue and it is a suitable substitute for mortar with high adhesion, delicate and precise construction works, underlayment of uneven wall surfaces and installation of façade stones are possible with this glue.
3- Structures that have volume contraction and expansion.
4- Precast concretes that have a smooth surface
5- Buildings that require less weight and high execution speed


Easy to use-
Very high adhesion to all kinds of building materials-
Increasing the resistance against possible impacts to the building-
 Very small volume compared to old materials and as a result of increasing the interior space-
 Doing delicate and precise work that requires high adhesion and high resistance-
Helping to style and strengthen the building-

Methods of use:

Leveling under ceramic tiles

The bottom surface of the tile must be free of dust and completely clean
There should be no grease, oil, chemicals, paint, lime, etc. on the bottom surface.
For proper use, durability and more adhesion, it is better than the double connection method, which means applying glue on the lower surface of the installation

And the back of the tile and then placing the tile on the bottom surface of the installation and using uniform blows on the tile
After the installation, the joints of the tiles should be cleaned and after 24 hours of installation, the strapping operation should be done.
It is recommended to install ceramic tiles on the facade up to a height of 5 meters and create an expansion joint every 36 to 40 square meters.

Pool glue

This adhesive is waterproof and by creating a layer on the installation surface and behind the tile, it creates an extremely strong adhesive surface.

Before installation, the work surface must be cleaned from all dust particles, grease and dirt behind the tile.

Also, in case of installation on old tiles, the glaze of the old tile must be scratched at least 2/3.

The presence of powdered polymers as well as complementary liquid to improve waterproofing, flexibility, increase adhesive strength in wet environments, reduce

It helps to reduce cracking and shrinkage.

AAC block glue (Heplex)

This glue is used for gluing concrete blocks.

Because this glue, unlike other mortars that have been used so far, increases the speed of the work process.

It is also interesting to know that the weight of the structure made with light block glue is much less and will be reduced by 75%.

Of course, it is better to say that the desired structure will be much more compact and at the same time it will be less thick.

One of the most important issues that Vesta Chemical attaches importance to in making this glue is

It is compatible with the environment.

Considering that our environment is being destroyed every day

It is better to use materials that cause the least damage and are somewhat safer.

The block glue made in Vesta Chemical is very sticky

And this strength has made it resistant to moisture.

This product is not only moisture resistant, but if you are looking for an adhesive that is also heat resistant

We must say that the best choice is to buy light block glue from Vesta Chemical.

This product is suitable for moisture insulation as well as thermal insulation.

Before using this glue, be sure to clean the desired surface very much so that no more contamination can be found on it.

This glue is used for gluing all kinds of light blocks including ALC, AAC and CLC

Designed and produced.

In this product, a variety of polymer powder resins are used, which preserve

Glued moisture and adhesion rate, compressive strength and resistance to

Increases heat and humidity.

Technical features:

  1. The initial tensile adhesion strength is 0.6 N/mm2
  2. Tensile adhesive strength after immersion in water 0.55 N/mm2
  3. Tensile adhesive strength after exposure to heat 0.55 N/mm2
  4. No rapid loss of water inside the adhesive during application and installation.
  5. Increasing initial and final adhesion (0.6 N/mm2)
  6. High resistance at the junction of two blocks.
  7. High resistance to moisture and heat after complete drying.

Necessary supplies in tiling

  • Ceramic Tile
  • A special glue that is selected according to the use of the place, as well as the type of ceramic tiles and base materials.
  • gloves
  • bucket, spatula and trowel
  • strong stirrer
  • level

Important tips for using construction adhesives

  • It is better to do the installation after applying the glue on the desired surface within a period of 20 minutes.
  • Powder adhesives are more suitable for installing ceramic tiles for floors and walls.
  • The diameter of the mortar on the wall should not be large.
  • It is better to use combed trowels to spread the mortar
  • The ambient temperature should be above 5 degrees Celsius
  • After gluing ceramic tiles on the surface, don’t forget to seal and seal with hydrophobic sealing powders

Some tips for choosing construction adhesives

  1. The use of the surface and the place where the glue is to be used. This place should be dry or wet.
  2. Internal or external and the gender of the work should be checked.
  3. The area of the part to be covered with glue.
  4. The surface under the work (glue of the base material) is the place where the glue is to be applied

For more information, visit our products page or call 00983136650701.

Sealing glue

But it is interesting to know that you can also use sealing glue (moisture insulation) for roof insulation.

Because these adhesives are made exactly to prevent moisture and in general they have very high strength.

Sealing glue (moisture insulation) can be used in damp and wet places such as bathrooms, bathtubs, jacuzzis, toilets and water features or swimming pools.

Throughout our lives, liquids and moisture from them cause damage to equipment

For this reason, we should use sealing glue (moisture insulation) as a suitable option in order to prevent high costs due to damage to the building and the items inside it.

By doing this, we have actually insured ourselves against possible losses and we can continue our lives with peace of mind.

Because as you know, the destruction of a part of the house and even other places, in addition to financial losses, causes your mind and waste of time.

For this reason, preventing these events has many benefits.

Vestashimi company has been able to help you in this matter by producing high quality insulation products

Let your mind be a little easier about this. That is why

You are suggested to take a look at the products of this company and make your choice according to your needs

And then register your purchase.


Note 1:

Because cracks always occur in vertical or horizontal corners, try to

The netting in the corners should not be cut in any way and should be extended to the adjacent wall for about 50 cm.

Note 2:

If hairline cracks are seen on the work surface after drying, make a little bit of the same first-hand grout and fill all the cracks with a brush or roller.

Tip 3:

After drying the second hand, you can proceed to install ceramics or if you were not going to install ceramics,

Do not drain the pool for a maximum of 10 days until it reaches its final strength.

In addition, when applying the sealing pack in external environments, the weather must not be rainy for at least one week.

Sealing glue (moisture insulation)

As you know, these adhesives have different types, each of which is used for different purposes.

Sealing centers that are constantly exposed to water and humidity is essential. In many cases, lack of proper sealing and insulation

The centers have created many problems for residents or business owners.

Sealing glue (moisture insulation) does not need to be destroyed and is a definite alternative to bitumen and traditional insulation

Also, this product is made on the basis of chemical resins and using nano technology and the ability to combine

It has the grout in every type and creates a strong bond with the structure after implementation.

This glue, like other glues, is also used for such purposes as:

Water channels, floors of industrial halls, runways, sealing toilets, dams, bathrooms, swimming pools,

Water channels, floors of industrial halls, runways, sealing toilets, dams, bathrooms, swimming pools, When using these products, to get the desired result, you should pay attention to the instructions on the packaging.

Remember to consider the ratio of glue and force when using, that is, the greater the force on the surface or environment used, the thicker the mortar should be.

at the end

In this article, we tried to review the types of construction adhesives, but this article will not work for you.

Every material has advantages and disadvantages, which may cause problems for you as an employer.

Therefore, it is recommended not to act hastily to use all types of construction adhesives

First, check them as much as possible and then consult with a consultant

Or get help from a specialized store so that you don’t have problems with little information about hasty evaluation.

Vesta Shimi strives to introduce and sell specialized products and manufacturers in the field of construction chemicals

To meet the needs of the industry in the field of specialized purchasing and distribution network. Also, Vesta Chemical can compare quality and price

It provides various products to its customers to help them with: waterproofing, roof insulation, epoxy resin, concrete adhesive, epoxy adhesive, nano-look coating, primer and grout.

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