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What is epoxy resin and what is its application in all kinds of structures?

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What is epoxy resin and what is its application in all kinds of structures?

Epoxy resins, which today have a very high efficiency in strengthening, repairing and strengthening all kinds of structures, especially in the production of composite products

They consist of two components: epoxy resin and hardener.

These materials, which are also used in making strong molds, have very good adhesion properties to different substrates.

High chemical resistance (especially in strong acidic and alkaline environments) and tensile strength.

Optimum compression and bending are widely used in the construction industry.

Also, from resin in the production of all kinds of electrical parts due to its insulation and in the aerospace, aircraft and automobile industries

It is also used for internal and external connections. However, this resin can be used the most

observed in the manufacture of FRP composites.

Among other areas of using epoxy resin, this product can be used as a coating on the floor

Halls, factories and other surfaces to increase the resistance of concrete against corrosion factors and chemicals.

Epoxy coating with a thickness of 4 mm increases the compressive strength of concrete by about 21100 kg/cm.

Epoxy resin with its low concentration and high penetrating power has high initial and final strength.


What are the properties of epoxy resin?

  • Chemical resistance
  • High resistance to water and humidity
  • Resistant to absorption of mechanical and thermal stresses
  • High resistance to water and humidity
  • Very good adhesion to materials and compatibility with all types of fibers and FRP system
  • High filling capacity
  • Light weight and small volume
  • Useful life and high repair speed


What are the disadvantages of epoxy resin?

  • Its price is more expensive than other types of resin.
  • Epoxy resin processing is time-consuming because the curing time of epoxy resin and the polymerization process are long.
  • Epoxy resin is not malleable and is sensitive to cracking.
  • It does not work at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius.


BV200 nano coated resin

After application, this resin waterproofs the desired surface and prevents rusting and water infiltration to the surface.




1- Wood (bathroom door, wood used in outdoor environments, kitchen cabinet door, etc.)

2- Metal (metals used in outdoor environments, cooler mats, metals used in humid environments, etc.)


Vastashimi Spadana Company





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