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Degree of water absorption

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Degree of water absorption

Water Absorption is another important classification in choosing ceramic tiles when buying tiles

which you should pay attention to when buying.

This type of quality grade gives you information about how to choose tiles according to the humidity in that place of use.

There are four types of categories in this type of classification

in which the name and percentage of water absorption of a tile are expressed

The lower this number is, the lower the moisture permeability to the tile.

Non-glass tile

which absorbs more than 7% of its own weight of water, these types of tiles are suitable

They are not for use in outdoor and wet spaces (such as bathrooms and toilets).

Semi-glass tile

which absorbs water between 3 and 7% of its weight and are only suitable for use in dry indoor spaces.

Glass tile

It absorbs water between 0.5 and 3% of its weight, these types of tiles are called ceramic.

Ceramics can also be used on the floor and will satisfy your needs in tiling your home.

Glass tile

It absorbs less than 0.5% of its weight and is classified as impermeable.


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